This book explains efficient movement with a firearm for the practical shooting sports. If you want to be faster, this is the lowest hanging fruit to cut down your times. There are plenty of illustrations and drills included by world-class movement coach Kita Busse. Softback cover.
By the author:
Since 2010, I have had an unusual opportunity to observe, analyze, research and test movement for the shooting sports. I have years of experience in the medical field teaching proper body mechanics for injury treatment and prevention.
It started when I observed my first USPSA match in 2010. I noticed that the way the shooters were moving was not the most efficient way to move their bodies, and a lot of time was being lost.
I understood that the movement couldn’t always be done in the most efficient way, simply because they had a gun in their hands. After the match, I began to research, and tested a theory on a good shooter. I found that standing up in position was adding approximately 1/10th of a second for that particular shooter to every position in a stage for every stage in a match. That could be half a second per field course!
After continued research and development of movement techniques, I eventually began to travel around the world teaching them in classes and to champions. I am not a top shooter; I am a movement coach. However, I am a movement coach who also happens to shoot.
These observations that I had unusual opportunities to make, combined with my own experiences and tests, have shaped the lessons in this book. Many great shooters have been very generous about sharing their tips and tricks.
This book is comprised of my observations and conclusions that I’ve drawn. The things we thought were right yesterday, we may consider wrong today. I’m putting out what I’ve learned and what has helped other people, and maybe it will work for you, maybe it won’t. My goal is to give you tools and insights to help you to be more efficient and get better results in the shooting sports. Have fun!
- Kita Busse
Eemann Tech