LifeStraw® Peak Gravity 3L, Water Filter System

LifeStrawSKU: 39010088
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Color: Dark Grey
Sale price 903 kr

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It’s the simple, lightweight and compactible option for back-country camping and backpacking. The optimized filtration cartridge boasts a high flow rate and ability to remove sand and silt without clogging. The water storage bag is made from premium materials for extra durability so it can stand up to the same toughness and usage you put your other gear through. You'll never have to buy another.

Designed to be ultra-versatile and fully leak-proof, use as a storage system while moving about, or as a straw filter by itself or with a standard water bottle. Enhanced microfilter performance: Our re-engineered membrane and custom backwash accessory means better performance against sand and silt, maintaining great flow over the long haul.


  • Protects against bacteria, parasites, microplastics, silt, sand, and cloudiness
  • Extreme durability: premium materials make it tougher so you’ll never have to buy another
  • Highly versatile means the gravity system is designed with every occasion in mind. Use as a gravity system, large squeeze bottle, as a straw, or use the filter with a water bottle
  • Designed to be fully leak-proof to use as storage while moving about. Take it hiking, camping, or hang it from the RV
  • Membrane microfilter lasts up to 2,000 L (500 gallons)


LifeStraw arbeider for at alle skal ha tilgang til trygt drikkevann. Med enkle, funksjonelle og effektive produkter gir LifeStraw høyest mulig beskyttelse mot urent og kontaminert vann uansett hvor du er.

LifeStraw produkter beskytter mot bakterier, parasitter, mikroplast, grums, sand og andre urenheter i vann. Lifestraw-produktene er strengt testet for å møte sikkerhetsprotokoller fastsatt av US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) og NSF International/ANSI. LifeStraw vannrense filter beskytter mot: 99.999999 % av bakterier 99.999 % av parasitter 99.999 % av mikroplast, sand, grums og uklarheter.

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